When assigning channels a plausibility range can now be defined, which excludes invalid values from being displayed and processed further. It can be helpful if certain measurement ranges can be excluded from the outset.

The original data of course remains untouched.
Version 5.3.1
New features
- When assigning channels, input values can now be validated by a min/max filter Only values within these limits are then considered “valid”.
Fixed bugs
- The export of some types of interval data did not work (Linear RMS, Exponential RMS, VC Curce, DIN 4150-3)
- When saving assignments to vibration measuring devices, after changing the device measuring point, the current channel of the device measuring point was not selected, but the last selected one. You had to click on the channel again to select it. This is now no longer necessary.
- In the case of automatically generated reports, it was possible that a report was generated more than once under certain circumstances;