The name Smart Data Center (SDC) has been with us for many years. But a lot has happened in that time. SDC has developed a lot and now we want to make that visible through a modern design and new name.
The new name for Smart Data Center is SEDRIX.
First, SEDRIX is an attempt to cast the three letters of SDC into a name:
S – Smart
D – Data
X – Center
The X at the end is deliberately for Center because it is meant to illustrate the versatility of the platform.
We also associate SEDRIX with a smart butler, and that’s what SEDRIX is supposed to be:
A smart, attentive helper that takes routine chores off your hands so you can focus on what’s important.

SEDRIX works quietly and reliably in the background.
Begleitet wird die Namensänderung von einer optischen Neuausrichtung, samt neuem Logo, dass wir hier stolz präsentieren dürfen:

The changes will be made visible little by little in the program. Otherwise, nothing changes for you as a client. SEDRIX still remains our tried and tested product.
Just slightly more attractive.