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Release of Version 4.6.2

Due to the update to 4.6.2, secondary airborne noise and the Wm-weighted vibration acceleration can now be displayed as additional columns in blast event tables. As always, all other improvements can be found here. Select the “Evaluations” tab in the edit...

Release of Version 4.6.1

This version adds extra information to the export of blast events. If a vibration is exported in Excel format, the secondary airborne sound and the slope (= slope between the point where the secondary airborne sound exceeds 55dbA for the first time and the maximum),...

Release of Version 4.6.0

SDC has been updated to version 4.6.0. This allows you to duplicate “global evaluation” measuring points. When exporting vibration events, the comment field can also be used as a filter. And you can save a lot of time when creating measuring points by...